The Scrimmage

Joe's baseball team had a scrimmage the other night and these are some pictures that I took. I've still got a long way to go before Sport's Illustrated will call.

This was Joe's first at bat and he struck out. His next time up he got a double with an RBI.

These next shots are of him playing first. I asked him a couple practices ago if he would enjoy playing a certain position. His reply to me was that he didn't care where he played just so he got to play.

This is the first year that base runners are allowed to lead off. I think it makes for so much better playing. It's about time the the county PALS joined the 21st century!

Still trying to keep the base runner where he should be.

But then ...

Oh well!

Did you notice that Joe's trying to make a fashion statement? He's playing with his shirt on backwards. Sure, he can play baseball, but dressing himself is another matter.

Watching Joe play ball is one of my favorite things to do!

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