
I told you in a previous post that some friends asked me to take some Christmas photos of them. We did this at Paris Island and the next two photos are a couple of nature shots that I was fortunate to grab. By the way, it's absolutely gorgeous out there and if you have a chance, you ought to go out and enjoy the scenery.

This guy landed right by us as we were walking from one spot to another.

Beautiful trees are all over the place. Some of the most beautiful scenery in Beaufort.

This may be my new favorite tree. It's located in the area that we live and I walk by it almost every day.

This is the next tree up from my new favorite tree. On the wider angle shots that I got of this if you turn it horizontal, it looks like an alligator.

This is a close up of some stuff that's leaning against my new favorite tree.

Almost the same angle of the shot only changed to a black and white, sepia-ish version.

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